
These 3 things...

(1) Alas! Mystery solved!

Props to authors Cindy Meston and David Buss for the ultimate unraveling.

Article title:
Why Humans Have Sex.

(Published in: Archives of Sexual Behavior 2007 Aug;36(4):477-507)

(2) Let's not be too specific. Just read it out loud.

Article title:
Generalization of improved general approximation tests to split-plot designs with multiple between-subjects factors and/or multiple within-subjects factors.

(Published in the British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 1997)

(3) Wide open.

Article title: Eye injuries after nonocular surgery. (Published in Anesthesiology. 1996 Nov;85(5):1020-7)

The more I work I did for this patron, I realized the article was/is to do with injury to the optic nerve following anesthesia. Still, the article title doesn't include that...or even allude to it. It presents as random as ankle injuries following hysterectomies.